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Doomscrolling: The Dark Side of the Digital World

Date: 20.07.2024 01:31
Doomscrolling: The Dark Side of the Digital World
How does constant exposure to negative news affect our mental health? What is doomscrolling, what are its symptoms, and how can we cope with it? Continue reading for tips on how to protect yourself from the dark side of the digital world and more. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Doomscrolling: The Dark Side of the Digital World

In today's world, there is an unlimited flow of information at our fingertips. However, this flow is not always made up of clear waters. Negative news, disaster scenarios, social media dramas... All of these are like a vortex pulling us in without us realizing. This vortex is called: doomscrolling.

Doomscrolling is a digital habit that has especially increased in recent years. It defines constantly being exposed to negative news, social media discussions, and other demoralizing content. So, how does this affect us?

"I used to set aside specific time to watch the news. Now, I am constantly exposed to bad news with my phone in hand. I feel more anxious and hopeless." - A.K.

Effects of Doomscrolling

Research shows that doomscrolling can have serious negative effects on our mental health. Some of these are:

  • Increased anxiety and stress levels
  • Increase in depression symptoms
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Social isolation
Symptoms of DoomscrollingEffects
Constantly seeking exposure to negative newsIncreased anxiety and stress
Focusing on negative content on social mediaIncrease in depression symptoms
Using the phone immediately before and after sleepSleep problems

"I have trouble sleeping due to doomscrolling. I stay up late on my phone and feel tired the next day." - M.Y.

How to Cope with Doomscrolling?

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves from the negative effects of doomscrolling:

  1. Be Conscious: Be aware of your digital habits and track how long you are exposed to negative content.
  2. Set Boundaries: Limit the time you spend on social media and news sites. Try turning off your phone completely at certain times.
  3. Seek Positive Content: Follow content that makes you happy, inspired, and motivated. You may choose pages related to your hobbies, funny videos, or travel blogs.
  4. Focus on Real Life: Spend time with loved ones, dedicate time to your hobbies, and spend time in nature. Distancing yourself from the digital world will help improve your mood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is doomscrolling an addiction?

While doomscrolling is not officially recognized as an addiction, it can lead to addiction-like behaviors. Symptoms may include a constant desire to be exposed to negative content, a feeling of losing control, and decreased interest in other activities.

How can I break free from doomscrolling?

By following the steps mentioned above, you can reduce the negative effects of doomscrolling and develop healthier digital habits. If you find it difficult to control yourself, consider seeking help from a professional.

"After realizing the effects of doomscrolling, I limited my social media usage and feel much better now. I feel more positive and energetic." - S.Ö.


Doomscrolling is one of the challenges brought by the digital age. However, as conscious users, we can take steps to avoid being swept up in this vortex and protect our mental health. Remember, the digital world is just a part of real life, and true happiness lies in real connections.

Source: Journal of Computers in Human Behavior Reports

What is Doomscrolling? How Can We Break Free from It?

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