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iOS 18 Flashlight Interface: Small Change, Big Difference

Date: 17.07.2024 14:44
iOS 18 Flashlight Interface: Small Change, Big Difference
With iOS 18, Apple made a small but significant change to the flashlight interface. The new interface makes adjusting the beam width and brightness more user-friendly. So, what do users think about this change? Details and more in our article. (Reading Time: 2 Minutes)

iOS 18 Flashlight Interface: Small Change, Big Difference

Apple has once again proven its commitment to continuously improving user experience. One of the innovations that came with iOS 18 is a change many users might not have noticed but makes everyday life easier: the flashlight interface.

Now you can adjust both the brightness and width of the flashlight light on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro models. This feature is much more useful and practical compared to the previous interface, which only offered an on/off switch and four different brightness levels.

How to Use the New Flashlight Interface?

The new flashlight interface is quite simple to use. When you tap the flashlight icon from the Control Center or lock screen, a curved line appears. You can adjust the brightness by moving your finger up or down on this line, and the beam width by moving it left or right.

"I really liked the new flashlight interface. Previously, I could only adjust the brightness, but now I can change the beam width as well. This feature allows me to use the flashlight much more efficiently." - A.K.

User Comments

The new flashlight interface has been generally well-received by users. Here are some user comments:

  • "I never thought of it before, but being able to adjust the beam width is really useful. Congrats Apple!" - M.Y.
  • "It might look like a small change but it makes a big difference in daily life. Now I can adjust the flashlight as I wish." - E.D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is the new flashlight interface available on all iPhone models?

Answer: No, the new flashlight interface is currently only available on iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro models.

Question: Do I need to download iOS 18 to use the new interface?

Answer: Yes, the new flashlight interface is a feature that comes with iOS 18. You need to update your device to iOS 18 to use this feature.

iOS 18 Flashlight Interface Comparison Table

FeatureOld InterfaceNew Interface
Brightness Adjustment4 LevelsPrecise Adjustment with Curved Line
Width AdjustmentNonePrecise Adjustment with Curved Line
AvailabilityAll iPhone ModelsiPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro


The new flashlight interface introduced by Apple with iOS 18 is a small but useful update. Offering the ability to adjust the light width and brightness precisely, this interface significantly improves the user experience. User comments also indicate that this change is perceived positively.


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