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Issues and Bugs Experienced After iOS 18.1 on iPhones

Date: 03.07.2024 20:49
Issues and Bugs Experienced After iOS 18.1 on iPhones

Users are reporting various bugs and issues with the second developer beta release (DB2) of iOS 18. Here are the main problems encountered in this version and their details:

iOS 18 Beta 2 (DB2) Review: An Update in the Shadow of Bugs

Apple's eagerly anticipated new operating system, iOS 18's second developer beta version (DB2), was recently released to users. However, initial impressions suggest that this update has made headlines more for its problems than the promised innovations. The widespread bugs that deeply affect user experiences position DB2 as an unstable and disappointing version.

Crashes and Functionality Issues:

One of DB2's most frustrating issues is crashes and functionality losses in essential applications. The complete malfunction of the Files app on iPhone 12s obstructs users' access to their files and disrupts work flows. Similarly, the text message scheduling feature being limited to iMessage and not supporting SMS/RCS stands out as a significant shortcoming, especially for business use.

The disruptions in app interactions also highlight DB2's shortcomings in stability. Some apps not responding at all to touch make it difficult for users to operate their phones. The notification system bug, which causes all past notifications to be displayed continuously, makes notification management nearly impossible.

Photos and Videos:

The Photos app is another crucial feature rendered unusable with DB2. The inoperability of the search function prevents users from finding images they seek in their extensive photo archives. The complete disappearance of the Favorites section entirely cuts off users from accessing their carefully selected photos.

Video playback issues also negatively impact the DB2 experience. Problems like silence experienced in different apps hinder users' habits of consuming video content.

Other Bugs and Shortcomings:

The issues accompanying DB2 are not limited to these. Keyboard sounds only working in third-party apps, incorrect predictions shown in the weather app, glitches in interfaces like the control center and lock screen, Bluetooth connection problems, input delays, errors in the camera app, disappearance of messages, and inconsistencies in emoji sizes turn DB2 into a sea of bugs. iOS 18 DB2 emerges as a version that falls short of Apple's expectations. The crisis experienced in stability and performance profoundly affects user experience. Though bugs are inevitable due to the nature of beta programs, the prevalence and severity of the issues in DB2 suggest points that Apple needs to review in its software development processes. Hopefully, Apple can correct these bugs with upcoming updates to provide the promised user experience of iOS 18.


We have compiled the problems experienced by Reddit users device by device for you. 

  1. Files App Not Working

    • iPhone 12 users report that the files app is not working.
    • Source
  2. Scheduling Text Messages

    • Text message scheduling is limited to iMessage and does not work over SMS/RCS.
    • Source
  3. Touch Issues with Apps

    • Touching certain apps does nothing; apps do not open or cannot be moved.
    • Experienced on iPhone 12 Pro.
    • Source
  4. Displaying Old Notifications

    • iPhone 12 mini users report that all past notifications are shown instead of just new ones.
    • Source
  5. Photo Search and Favorites

  6. Video Playback Issue

    • Videos are not playing or no sound is coming. While YouTube works, Instagram Reels plays silently, and TikTok and Snapchat videos are not playing.
    • Source
  7. Keyboard Sounds

    • Keyboard sounds do not work in iOS apps but work in third-party apps.
    • Source
  8. Weather App

    • The weather app shows incorrect predictions.
    • Source
  9. Control Center and Lock Screen

    • Buttons in the control center are being removed or automatically reordered. Lock screen buttons are also disappearing.
    • Source
  10. Lock Screen Widgets

    • Some lock screen widgets disappear after being added.
    • Source
  11. Offloading Third-Party Apps

    • All third-party apps were offloaded after installation.
    • Source
  12. Screen Time Password

    • Trying to lift restrictions using the Screen Time password does not work.
    • Source

These issues indicate that iOS 18 DB2 is not yet a stable release and contains various bugs. Users are expecting updates from Apple to fix these bugs.

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